We affirm life by empowering women.
We empower women by affirming life.
The Okanagan Valley Pregnancy Care Centre is a non-profit faith-based organization dedicated to helping women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or individuals that are experiencing stress after an abortion.
All our services are free and confidential. As a charity, we are supported by the generosity and kindness of individual donors, foundations, agencies, corporations, churches and promotional events. We do not receive government funding for our services.
Our trained, caring support workers are here to help women and men in a difficult time. Our support workers offer emotional and practical support in a loving, respectful, non-judgmental environment.
We are:
One of 80 independent community-based agencies affiliated with the Pregnancy Care Canada (PCC)
An affiliate of Care Net and Heartbeat International.
A team of caring, trained staff and volunteers under the supervision of a full-time Executive Director.
A member of Kelowna Community Resources and the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce.
A non-political incorporated society. Our charitable registration number is 863797171 RROOO1.